Fiona Beveridge Family Law
300 – 1275 West 6th Avenue
Vancouver, BC V6H 1A6
T: 604 684-5859
Fee: Variable
Fiona is a Lawyer at Fiona Beveridge Family Law. Fiona carries on a full family law practice and is accredited by the Law Society of BC to act as a Parenting Coordinator, Family Law Mediator and Family Law Arbitrator. She also practices as a collaborative lawyer.
Fiona has a strong interest in children and the justice system and is the Secretary for the Children’s Law Section of the CBABC. She also acts as counsel for children in the care of the MCFD.
Fiona’s practice is focused on finding practical and child centred solutions for the families she works with, in whatever role she finds herself acting, and is of the strong view that children’s voices should be heard in any family law process.