Joselin Corrigan

Porchlight Mediation

T: 250-551-6908

Fees: $700 first child’s interview, $1300 for two, and $300 for each additional child from the same family.

I am an Indigenous family mediator working in the West Kootenays, British Columbia. I have an M.A. in Dispute Resolution and certificates in both family and third party mediation from the Justice Institute of British Columbia. I am a registered roster member with Mediate BC with over 10 years of experience interviewing children as a restorative justice (RJ) facilitator, at an elementary school, and in my role as a family mediator since 2009. I completed Hear the Child training in May 2023.

In my role as an RJ facilitator, I interview underage, first offenders to understand how they want to take responsibility for a crime they committed and move forward. I then interview the person affected by the crime who is sometimes another child. I find out what they’d like to see happen to repair the harm done to them. Their words inform the process.

As a mediator, I support families to seek solutions that meet their needs. Children offer wisdom about navigating family relationships and addressing their own needs that often are not considered. A Hear the Child report can offer a family insight into how to move forward in a good way.

Hear the Child interviews require non-evaluative listening, non-evaluative questioning, and neutral support. I am skilled with this type of questioning of children. Please connect with me if you would like more information about my services.