Michael Zimmerman

Family and Children’s Lawyer 

Lindsay Kenney LLP
1800, 401 West Georgia Street
Vancouver, BC, Canada V6B 5A1

T: 604-235-5063
E: mzimmerman@lklaw.ca
W: https://lklaw.ca/our-people/michael-zimmerman/

Fees: Variable


Michael’s legal career has been devoted to children and he has been practicing in the area of children’s law and family law for over a decade. Michael has spearheaded the development of numerous provincial and federal laws related to families and children.

Michael has a robust knowledge of the systems, laws, policies and programs related to children and many years of experience working directly with children through difficult family issues.

Michael provides a variety of legal services directly to children and youth including acting as a Children’s Lawyer.

Michael possesses a law degree, master of education and certificates in child and youth human rights and family supports. Michael has extensive training in the following areas:

  • Conflict resolution, including mediation
  • Parenting Coordination
  • Arbitration, including determination writing
  • Family dynamics of separation and divorce including managing high-conflict individuals
  • Child development and child interviewing
  • Screening for Family Violence, Abuse and Power Imbalances
  • Writing Children’s Needs Assessment

Michael is also:

  • Vice Chair of the National Canadian Bar Association – Child and Youth Law Section
  • Chair of the Canadian Bar Association, BC Branch – Children’s Law Section
  • A Board Member for The BC Hear the Child Society