Education Archive

May 17, 2024 Children and Youth Interview Skills Workshop 2024
CLEBC Boardroom, 500 - 1155 West Pender, Vancouver
Limited enrolment. Register early to avoid disappointment!
Who should attend: Lawyers whose practice includes children and families, and all practice areas involving children and youth; judges, family justice counsellors, mediators, arbitrators, parenting coordinators; anyone involved in access to justice; psychologists, psychiatrists, social workers
Learning level: All levels
Click here for more info
June 3 and 4, 2024 ADRBC Virtual Symposium 2024
Symposium will bring together a progressive, dynamic group of professionals including arbitrators, mediators, lawyers, in-house counsels, HR professionals, corporate and other users of ADR services.
Save 50$ with promocode ADRBC24CORP
Click here for more info
June 13 and 14, 2024 Non-Evaluative Child Interview Training 2024
Where: Via online platform: involves participant interaction; computer or other device with a camera and microphone will be required
Trainers: Bev Churchill and Viviane Wingerak
Who should attend: Any professional who meets with children and believes children should have a voice in family justice matters that affect them.
Opportunities to practice the skills of conducting a non-evaluative child interview and writing a non- evaluative report will be integrated over the 2-day workshop giving participants the opportunity to develop or enhance their proficiency in conducting non-evaluative child interviews and writing non-evaluative reports.
Click here for Registration and more info
May 3, 4 and 5, 2023 Parenting Coordination 3-Day Introductory Training
When: May 3, 4 and 5, 2023 at 9:00 am to 5:00 pm daily
Where: UBC Robson Square: 800 Robson Street, Vancouver—Room C400
What: Three Day Basic training in parenting coordination
Credits: This course will provide participants with 21 hours of basic PC training.
Click here for more info
May 11 and 12, 2023 Non-Evaluative Child Interview Training and Building Diversity
We are reaching out to your organization and ask that you circulate this covering letter and flyer with your networks.
We have 20 pro-bono spots in this training program and invite professionals who:
Applications will be reviewed, and qualifying participants will be notified by April 27, 2023. Priority will be given to people who only need the 13 hours of child interview skills and child development training in order to apply to the roster. However, consideration will be given to all other interested participants.
Applicants that do not qualify for this pro-bono training are welcome to apply to the attend the our bi-annual Non-Evaluative Child Interview Training (NECIT) on June 8/9, 2023. Registration forms for this offering will be available at a later date.
Click here for more info
June 5 and 6, 2023 ADRBC Symposium 2023
Plenary Panel: Discussion about intersocietal and Indigenous law approaches to child and family well-being
14.5 hours of CPD credits at the Law Society of BC!
16 CEE points for Chartered and Qualified Designations!
Program and Schedule
Lineup of Speakers
Register now for a discounted price of $300 with the Code: ADRBC5023
Click here to Register
June 8 and 9, 2023 Non-Evaluative Child Interview Training
Time: 9:00 am to 5:00 pm each day
Where: Via online platform: involves participant interaction; computer or other device with a camera and microphone will be required
Trainers: Bev Churchill and Viviane Wingerak
Who should attend: Any professional who meets with children and believes children should have a voice in family justice matters that affect them.
Click here for more info
Dec 1 2023 Deepening the Conversation
When: 9:00 am to 12:15 pm: morning session
When: 1:15 pm to 3:30 pm: afternoon session
Where: Zoom
Cost: Free to existing HTC Roster Members Full day $325 ($275 early bird rate until November 3) (15% discount for HTC Society Members*) Half day $200 (no early bird rate) (15% discount for HTC Society Members*)
Click here for more info
February 28, 2022 Meeting with Children
February Intake
Course duration: 30 hours
20 hours Self-Paced Learning
10 hours Live Tutorial
In this course Dr Lorri Yasenik and Jon Graham explore the skills necessary to meet with post separation children and youth. The course is highly experiential providing many practice opportunities. The skills taught will add to the practitioner’s toolbox for work with children as well as work with parents who find it difficult to remain regulated in traditional ADR processes. Lorri, a child specialist and registered play therapist, family mediator and Jon a specialist in complex family mediation bring an eclectic skill set into this training.
Course is taught online over five weeks. One 2 hour live tutorial per week online. Self-paced learning including practice with peers, between tutorials.
Click here for more info
March 28, 2022 Meeting with Children
March Intake
Course duration: 30 hours
20 hours Self-Paced Learning
10 hours Live Tutorial
In this course Dr Lorri Yasenik and Jon Graham explore the skills necessary to meet with post separation children and youth. The course is highly experiential providing many practice opportunities. The skills taught will add to the practitioner’s toolbox for work with children as well as work with parents who find it difficult to remain regulated in traditional ADR processes. Lorri, a child specialist and registered play therapist, family mediator and Jon a specialist in complex family mediation bring an eclectic skill set into this training.
Course is taught online over five weeks. One 2 hour live tutorial per week online. Self-paced learning including practice with peers, between tutorials.
Click here for more info
April 29 2022 Mental Health Topics in Family Law Advanced Applications
Rachel Birnbaum PhD
Alyson Jones MA
This one-day workshop poses the question: What can we do better? Drawing on empirical and practice based evidence, the three presenters will challenge entry level concepts to present the nuances of working with complex families.
Topics include the impact of: adult attachment organization on separation and divorce, coercive and controlling relationship histories, the place of children’s voices, parental mental health issues, adaptive and maladaptive gate keeping, children with special needs, and the dynamcis of children who resist or refuse contact. This day is for advanced practitioners working in family law who have attended introductory courses and need more.
Full Day
Online Seminar
(recorded for those who attend from outside Canada/USA)
Early Bird $375 (before Feb 28)
Click here for more info
July 25 & 26, 2022 Meeting With Parents - Still Time to Register!
Online Intensive - A New Way To Take Courses With ICCFL!
International Gathering - join live tutorials for all time zones
5-7 pm MST (Canada)
9-11 am AEST (Australia)
11 Hours Self-paced Learning and 4 Hours Instructor-led
This course is for family mediators, FDRPs, child consultants, psychologists, social workers, and lawyers seeking to expand their skills to work in a new way as a child consultant specialist in family law processes. Lorri and Jon explore the skills necessary to bring the voice of children to parents. Starting from a position that all children over 5 years should be given the opportunity to participate in ADR processes that affect them, the course considers the question of how the messages from children can be brought back to parents in a way that is not only safe, but is also authentic to the child.
Offered now in a condensed framework! Take 2 days off work - work at your own pace at home until we meet live on-line for a 2-hour tutorial for each of the days. This is a 15-hour course that runs over 2 days so participants must book the time off to complete the lessons and watch the training videos before each of the scheduled tutorials.
Pre-Requisite: "Meeting With Children" 30-hours (also now delivered in a condensed framework!)
Click here for more info
September 15 & 16, 2022 Advanced Training
Working in the Trenches with High Conflict Co-parents
The BC Parenting Coordinators Roster Society invites you to participate in the following two-day advanced training. Participants may attend one day or both days.
When: September 15 & 16, 2022
Where: UBC Robson Square, Vancouver, BC
Times: 9:00 am to 4:30 pm each day
Click here for info and registration
June 3 and 4, 2021 Non-Evaluative Child Interview Training
Time: 9:00 am to 5:00 pm each day
Where: Via online platform: involves participant interaction; computer or other device with a camera and microphone will be required
Leaders: The training program will be led by Bev Churchill and a team of multidisciplinary trainers from the HTC Board and Roster.
Special Guest Speakers: Arlene Henry QC, Dr. Mary Korpach and Suzanne Williams.
Who should attend: Any professional who meets with children and believes children should have a voice in family justice matters that affect them.
Click here for more info
Feb 5, 12, 19, 26 - 2021 Webinar Series: Building Your Toolbox
This webinar series will spotlight different clinical issues. It is appropriate for child and family therapists, psychologists, school counsellors, mental health clinicians, social workers, members of school-based teams, youth and family workers and community service providers. It is designed to provide specific tools to professionals who work with children and youth.
Click here for more info
ICCFL training events for the remainder of 2020
Lorri Yasenik and Jon Graham have moved their training online.
The formation of practice-with-peers TM groups is central to the learning environment. We have tried and tested the p-w-p groups and not only do they work, they are fun! Each small p-w-p group meets together either online or in-room, to learn together through discussion and skills practice. Each course is supported by ample tutorial time with Lorri and Jon, and also an extensive library of videos and other materials.
The Online learning allows trainees to login from anywhere. We set about to come up with a timetable that makes attendance manageable across continents and time zones.
Click here for more information2020 ADRBC Symposium Webinar Series
In lieu of the 2020 ADRBC Symposium, our team is working on creating a series of webinars for the benefit of our members. These webinars will be released each month and will be made available for purchase as individuals or as complete package. Individual webinars will contribute 2 CPD credits to your portfolio, with the entire series contributing 14 credits.
Webinars will be recorded and made available for those purchasing the package once they have commenced, or for those who want to view a past webinar.
Click here for more informationSeptember 24 - November 5 A Trauma Informed Approach to Child Protection Mediation
September 24, 2020
October 8, 2020
October 22, 2020
November 5, 2020
2:00pm Eastern - 1 hour for each
Child protection mediations are among the most difficult mediations done by mediators. There are many reasons for this. The subject matter is always difficult and emotionally charged for all parties because you are dealing with children and their caretakers, many of whom have suffered or are suffering from addiction, disabilities or mental health challenges. The breadth of knowledge required encompasses provincial and federal laws, region specific practices, advanced mediation skills, and an understanding of diverse groups and the acute, chronic and complex traumas that have influenced and affected that group or individual intergenerationally. The effect of trauma and stress on the brain architecture and development of children is a complex but important area that will also be touched upon.
This 4-part course will provide an overview of what you need to know to effectively mediate child protection cases. It will also provide some specific trauma informed tools that can assist you in preparing for mediation with high conflict, traumatized parties.
Click here for more infoSeptember 28 - November 20 Parenting Coordination Online Training
Location: Via Webinar
Time: Fridays, 1 - 3pm EDT
Parenting Coordination is a child- centred dispute resolution process for families with children who are separated or divorced and continue to have unresolved conflict. Generally, it is a process that includes coaching, and education, consensus building and, when authorized, decision making. Families can enter parenting coordination by contract or court order, depending on the laws in their area.
Who should attend:It is for professionals who wish to become parenting coordinators and work with high-conflict divorce families. Generally, course participants should be practicing lawyers, dispute resolution professionals or mental health professionals with many years of experience working with families. Qualifications to practice as a parenting coordinator vary by region and additional training or skills may be required in your jurisdiction.
Click here for more info and registrationSeptember 30 Family Law in the Midst of the COVID-19 Pandemic
Chaired by: Carla Lewis, Lewis Kennelly
Time: 9am to 12:30pm
Where: Attend via Live Webinar
Key Areas Addressed:
• Court and procedural matters
• Alternative dispute resolution
• Parenting, property, support and family maintenance enforcement
• Starting a new practice in a pandemic and other personal experiences
Who Should Attend:
• Lawyers of all levels advising on family law matters
• Family law arbitrators
• Family law mediators
• Government officials and employees engaged in family matters
• Family service providers
Click here for more info
October 15/16 Non-Evaluative Child Interview Training (Hear the Child Reports)
Instructors: Dr. Mary Korpach and Arlene H. Henry, QC, plus guest presenters
Location: Via Webinar
Time: 9am to 5pm
Who should attend:
What you will learn:
Click here for more info -- and check back here for updates and registration details
Save these dates!!
January 29 to February 1 Meeting with Children: A Child-Centred Approach
Calgary SW, Alberta
For Child Specialists, Family Dispute Resolution Professional, Parenting Coordinators, Family Mediators, Child and Family Counsellors, Family Lawyers, Independent Children’s Lawyers.
This two day program will explore the skills necessary to authentically meet with post-separation children and youth and bring the voice of children to parents. Starting from a position that all children over 5 years should be given the opportunity to participate in ADR processes that affect them, Lorri and Jon consider the question of how to authentically engage with children and youth, creating space for he messages from children can be brought back to parents in a way that is not only safe, but is also is authentic to the child.
More Details
February 3 & 4 Meeting With Parents: A new approach to bringing the voice of children to parents
Calgary SW, Alberta
For Child Specialists, Family Dispute Resolution Professional, Parenting Coordinators, Family Mediators, Child and Family Counsellors, Family Lawyers, Independent Children’s Lawyers
This two day program will explore the skills necessary to bring the voice of children to parents. Starting from a position that all children over 5 years should be given the opportunity to participate in ADR processes that affect them, Lorri and Jon consider the question of how the messages from children can be brought back to parents in a way that is not only safe, but is also is authentic to the child.
More Details
March 6 Access to Justice for Children: Best Interests of the Child
The Honourable Donna J. Martinson, QC
Suzanne S. Williams
Pan Pacific Hotel, 999 Canada Place, Vancouver
Who should attend: Lawyers in all practice areas, judges, family justice counselors, mediators, arbitrators, parenting coordinators, psychologists, psychiatrists, social workers, law students, and everyone whose work impacts children.
Learning level: All levels
This multi-disciplinary training meets the needs of professionals who work with children in all areas of law. It will help you sharpen your knowledge and practice on the best interests of the child, and meet each child's unique circumstances considering influences such as culture, ability, and trauma.
Using a practice framework, grounded in the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child, we will provide essential information on healthy development for children, best interest practices, and other access to justice needs at each age and stage of the child's life.
You will receive concrete examples and tips on how to adapt your practice to meet the child in their particular context. We will also explore the continuum of services available to children in BC to address these issues, and how to triage a situation given the lived reality of the child.
More Details
January 24 to 27 Meeting with Children -- Skills for Family Law Professionals
Edmonton, AB
At the conclusion of this course participants will be able to:
▪ Identify what it means to be child centred and non-evaluative when including children and youth of separated families and in child protection environments
▪ Engage in directive and non-directive ways of meeting with children and understand metaphor and projection as ways children show and tell you about their lived worlds
▪ Identify the four levels of child involvement and the cases in which each level is most appropriate
▪ Apply a methodology for each of the four levels to compare and contrast the presentation of cases at each level
▪ Make use of the Child and Youth Concerns Scale, the Parent Readiness Scale, and the Child and Youth Readiness Scale
▪ Be able to effectively provide feedback to parents and other third parties
▪ Understand the ethical implications of child-centred practice, and the challenges of child- centred strategies
October 8 Family Law 2019: Parenting and Custody
Instructor: Mary Mouat, Q.C.
UBC Robson Square, Vancouver, BC
Parenting and custody considerations are some of the most delicate and complex issues faced by family law practitioners. The Family Law Act requires lawyers and others working with families to ensure that parents and the courts consider the best interest of children only. Disputes involving children can be damaging to the children and the family. Disputing parents can heighten intensity and create additional conflict and cost in already complex family disputes. Lawyers and others practising in this difficult area, along with their clients, benefit from maintaining an up-to-date understanding of the law, and of best practices, strategies and tools for resolving disputes and reducing conflict while protecting the best interests of the children.
For more information, please click here.
October 7 - 8, November 6 - 8 Voice of the Child
Instructor: Arlene H. Henry, QC and guest presenters
UBC Robson Square, Vancouver, BC
Individuals seeking to apply to the BC Hear the Child Roster as a non-evaluative child interviewer can register for Day 3 of the 5 day PC training course which will focus on the “Voice of the Child”. The social science research on the benefits and cautions of listening to the voices of children and adolescents will be reviewed; and various ways the child’s voice can be obtained and integrated into different dispute resolution options will be identified, such as child representation, mediation, assessment, parenting coordination, and judicial processes. The factors related to the reliability of the input provided by children and adolescents, including interviewer bias, memory, suggestibility and maturity, will be discussed. Finally, a developmentally informed interview protocol will be introduced.
- BC Hear the Child Society recognizes 7 hours from Day 3 towards the child interview skills portion of the basic training segment of the Roster application;
- BC Parenting Coordinator Roster Society recognizes 7 hours from Day 3 towards the child interviewing portion of the basic training segment of their Roster application.
For more information, please click here.
May 23 to 26 Meeting With Children - Lorri Yasenik and Jon Graham
1314, 15th Ave South West Calgary
Meeting with Children places the meeting with a child as a central element in family mediation processes.
How do we create opportunities for children to describe their experience of their family life in the post separation world. How do children and young people want to speak with us? How do we get out of the way and just listen to what children have to say?
This course teaches play based and expressive techniques to create a safe space for sharing through metaphor. The course also teaches pathways for giving information back to parents in ways that honors the child's right to privacy.
Meeting with Children is a four day program. We cover:
- Authentic listening and the child voice
- Child development and attachment theory
- Models for play based meetings with children
- Five strategies for a child meeting
- Meeting with parents and how to give feedback
More Information
June 11 and 12 The 2018 ADRBC Symposium - Passion, Purpose and Impact in Challenging Times
580 West Hastings Street, Vancouver (enter via Seymour Street courtyard entrance)
The 2018 ADRBC Symposium brings together a progressive, dynamic group of professionals including arbitrators, mediators, lawyers, in-house counsels, HR professionals, corporate and other users of ADR services. The eclectic line-up of speakers presenting at the 2018 Symposium will explore a wide variety of topics related to the challenges, opportunities, new developments and the rapidly expanding role of ADR in the 21st century.
Roster members may register at a discount by choosing the “Co-operating Entities” registration option on the registration page.
June 20 CLEBC: Voice of the Child [7 hours]
Instructor: Arlene H. Henry, QC and guest presenters
Vancouver, BC
Individuals seeking to apply to the BC Hear the Child Roster as a non-evaluative child interviewer can register for Day 3 of the 5 day PC training course which will focus on the “Voice of the Child”. The social science research on the benefits and cautions of listening to the voices of children and adolescents will be reviewed; and various ways the child’s voice can be obtained and integrated into different dispute resolution options will be identified, such as child representation, mediation, assessment, parenting coordination, and judicial processes. The factors related to the reliability of the input provided by children and adolescents, including interviewer bias, memory, suggestibility and maturity, will be discussed. Finally, a developmentally informed interview protocol will be introduced.
- BC Hear the Child Society recognizes 7.0 hrs towards the child interview skills portion of the basic training;
- BC Parenting Coordinator Roster Society recognizes 7.0 hrs towards their child interviewing portion of the PC basic training.
Details & Registration
Sep 13 & 14 Children Resisting Post-separation Contact: Concepts, Controversies, Assessment & Intervention
This course is suitable for therapists, custody/access assessors, mediators, parenting coordinators, child protection workers and lawyers.
You will learn about:
- the continuum of parent-child contact problems – affinities, alignments, justified (realistic estrangement), alienation & hybrid cases
differentiating types & severity levels - a research update on the impact of alienation on children, adolescents & young adults
assessment considerations - differentiated legal & clinical remedies for mild, moderate & severe cases
the role of the court - the nuts & bolts of systemic family-based (reintegration) interventions (multi-faceted family therapy) for mild & some moderate cases, including referral management, screening & intake, informed consent process & contracting, psycho-educational tools & clinical interventions, strategies & techniques
Course Materials provided, include: power point handout, comprehensive resources/seminal articles (with some recommended readings provided in advance of training), screening & clinical intake checklists and questionnaires, sample orders, sample Family Therapy Intervention Agreement, intervention tool kit, Parent Education Handout Package & more.
Fees: $850.00 + $110.50 (HST) = $960.50
(includes light continental breakfast and health break snacks)
For more information and registration: Download the PDF
Contact Camilla Graziani at (416) 481-2046
Oct 12 Dealing With High Conflict Personalities – Simple strategies for resolving high conflict situations with high conflict people
Pan Pacific Hotel, Vancouver
Have you noticed more people engaging in “high conflict” behaviour these days? Someone yelling at a receptionist? A colleague who often gets into arguments and doesn’t take responsibility for their actions? A client who files multiple complaints over a miscommunication?
These types of behaviours are increasingly common, and as a legal professional, it is more important than ever to be able to manage individuals with high conflict personalities who repeat patterns of high conflict behaviours.
At this one-day workshop, you will learn the theory of high conflict behaviour, and explore skills and techniques to manage high conflict disputes. You will draw from your own experiences, refine your existing skill set, and practice new strategies, so that can you leave this course with insight and confidence when dealing with high conflict behaviour.
Join us and learn how to effectively clear up conflict today!
Law Society of BC CPD Hours
6.5 hours (a minimum of 1 hour will involve aspects of professional responsibility and ethics, client care, and relations, and/or practice management)
Course Instructor
Michael J. Lomax — Michael Lomax Law Corporation, Victoria
Early Bird Pricing – Register by September 14
In-Person: $629
Articled student pricing available for in-person registration
Nov 30 Trauma and its Impact on Children
Presenter: Kim Hetherington, B.Sc.
Kim is a social worker with MCFD in the Fraser Region who has developed an expertise in the science of childhood adversity and its impact on child’s development and functioning through her extensive research and training. Kim is training in Dr. Bruce D. Perry’s Neurosequential Model of Therapeutics Certification Program to continue to enhance her clinical skills. Kim’s social work experience has included child protection, family service, guardianship, resource social work, and Dispute Resolution Consultant. Kim supports East and South Fraser in her role as a Guardianship/Children & Youth with Special Needs Consultant. Kim also provides trauma informed care support as a coach for the Complex Care Intervention Program in East Fraser.
Date: Fri, Nov 30; 10am – 3:30pm (registration begins at 9:30am)
Location: UBC Robson Square, Vancouver, BC
How do we view trauma and its impact on a child’s ability to express their views in a Hear the Child Interview? What about the impact of trauma of the child and the development and function of their brain and its long-term effects into adulthood? How do we ask questions in a way to get to the child’s experience in separation and divorce?
This workshop will examine separation and divorce as one type of trauma; trauma of experience and not simply an event. It will explore how the stress of the experience triggers the brain based response system (the flight, flight or freeze response) and can impact a child’s brain development and function. With this understanding, and through examples, it will assist in the creation of a developmentally sensitive plan for the meeting with a child to enable the child to express their true views as clearly as possible. It will support a further understanding of how a trauma inspired practice is a universal approach that can be used in all contexts and situations regardless of how much one knows of the experience of the individual.
Dec 5-6 Advanced Issues in High Conflict Child Custody Cases
University of Baltimore, Hilda and Michael Bogomolny Room, Student Center, Fifth Floor
This training program will focus on three areas of complex child custody work for new and experienced evaluators, attorneys, judges, parenting coordinators, and family therapists. Topics will include: assessing and managing difficult clients including those with mental illness, substance abuse, trauma, and personality disorders; assessment of intimate partner violence and effects on children, parenting, and co-parenting; an introduction to addressing children’s resistance or refusal to have contact with a parent.
For more information, please view the PDF
January 13 or March 10 Recognizing Parental Alienation in High Conflict Divorce – Level 1
9:00 am to 4:00 pm, UBC Robson Square
In this introductory course, participants discovered the basic characteristics and causes of Parental Alienation Syndrome; and learned how to recognize parental alienation in families going through a high-conflict divorce involving child custody concerns.
May 11 and 12 Integrative Mediation Training
Diamond Ballroom at Vancouver Masonic Centre, Fourth Floor, 1495 West 8th Ave
Basic & Advanced: $695 and up
Basic only: $425 and up
May 11 and 12 Access to Justice for Children Conference: Child Rights in Action
9:00 am to 4:30 pm BOTH DAYS
Pan Pacific Hotel, 999 Canada Place, Vancouver
or attend via Live Webinar
Presented by CLEBC
Hear the Child Society: 5 hours of course content has been approved as applicable towards the 17 hours of Additional Training required for admission to the BC Hear the Child Interviewer Roster
Law Society of BC CPD Hours: 13.5 hours
June 12 and 13 2017 BCAMI Symposium
580 West Hastings Street, Vancouver (enter via Seymour Street courtyard entrance)
The 2017 BCAMI Symposium brings together a progressive, dynamic group of professionals including arbitrators, mediators, lawyers, in-house counsels, HR professionals, corporate and other users of ADR services. The eclectic line-up of speakers presenting at the 2017 Symposium will explore a wide variety of topics related to the challenges, opportunities, new developments and the rapidly expanding role of ADR in the 21st century.
Roster members may register at a discount by choosing the “Cooperating Entities” registration option on the registration page.
Sept 14 Fundamentals of Canadian Family Law
Sept 15-16 Finding the Best Ways Forward
Oct 6 Recognizing Parental Alienation in High Conflict Divorce – Level 1
December 1 Meeting with Children: Introducing a Structured Approach
March 10 & 11 Assessments and Interventions: The Intersection of Family Law and Psychology
May 14 & 15 [3 hours] Access to Justice for Children Conference
Presented by CLEBC
9:00 am to 4:30 pm (both days), Pan Pacific Hotel, 999 Canada Place, Vancouver
The Conference has been approved for:
- 3 hours towards the 17 hours of Additional Training required for admission to the BC Hear the Child Interviewer Roster
November 27 Views of the Child Reports in Canada
Speaker: Professor Nick Bala
12:30 pm, Barristers Lounge, Fifth Floor, Courthouse Library, 850 Burdett Avenue, Victoria
December 4 Alienated Children in Family Law Disputes in British Columbia
December 4 BC Hear the Child Society AGM
March 13 [6.5 hours] What they didn’t teach you in Law School about Parenting Time!
June 19-20 [14 hours]
BC Parenting Coordinators Roster Society
Civil Procedure for Parenting Coordinators
September 30 [6 hours] Listening to Children’s Voices in Separation and Divorce Processes: A Semi-Structured Interview Model
Presented by BC Parenting Coordinators Roster Society
9:00 am to 4:30 pm, Morris J. Wosk Centre for Dialogue, Simon Fraser University
Course Flyer and Registration Form
September 18 CLEBC: Voice of the Child [8 hours]
October 22 to 24 [21 hours]
BC Parenting Coordinators Roster Society presents:
Family Law for Professionals Other Than Lawyers
December 7 [8 hours] Communication Skills for Mediators and Arbitrators
Course Flyer
December 9 BC Hear the Child Society Annual General Meeting
May 10 Roster Launch in Victoria
May 14 Roster Launch in Kelowna
May 16 Roster Launch in Vancouver
June 7 CBABC Seminar – re Hear the Child Reports
November 16 BC Hear the Child Society Annual General Meeting
November 9-10 CLEBC Children’s Participation in Family Justice Processes 2011
BC Hear the Child Society Members will receive a $50 discount on the registration fee for the two-day course. To take advantage of this discount offer, become a member.